You are in good company

Read their stories

Learn how some of our most innovative customers grow with Coursio.


Aller banner

Coursio makes it easy for us to offer en 360 experience with different types of content.

Påhlmans Handelsinstitut

Påhlmans Handelsinstitut banner

Online courses have scaled their business made learning more fun and efficient.

Mattias Ribbing

Mattias Ribbing banner

Through Coursio Mattias have created courses based on his successful books.

Sébastien Boudet

Sébastien Boudet banner


Fashionablefit banner

Meet some of our influencers

Michaela Forni profile

Michaela Forni

Sébastien Boudet profile

Sébastien Boudet

My Little Red House profile

My Little Red House

Fashionablefit profile


Aysha Jones profile

Aysha Jones

Yrsa & Flora profile

Yrsa & Flora

Emma Brink “Brinken Bakar” profile

Emma Brink “Brinken Bakar”

Jessica Frej profile

Jessica Frej

Madeleine Vall Beijer profile

Madeleine Vall Beijer

Nicole Falciani profile

Nicole Falciani

Pierre Hässelbrandt profile

Pierre Hässelbrandt

Nikki Amini profile

Nikki Amini

Sofia Viotti "Compassion is focus" profile

Sofia Viotti "Compassion is focus"

Lisa Anckarman profile

Lisa Anckarman

Life Of Svea
svenska jägareforbundet
Lrf media
ok förlaget
Påhlmans Handelsinstitut
Mattias Ribbing
Friskis svettis
Svensk Byggtjänst
Bergström och Hellqvist
Wealth dragons
Svenska Dagbladet
NWT Media
Beauty by Dashl
Nyfortagar Centrum
Human Performance
Javligt Gott
Academy Online

Book your personal demo

In the demo we will:

  • Discuss your needs and goals
  • Consult you about online courses and your possibilities
  • Present customer cases and Coursio partnerships
  • Give you a short introduction to the platform